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Thursday, September 20, 2012

SOS Survey Results - Part 2

An overwhelming response has been received regarding the recently mailed SOS Survey in the Princeton area. We will attempt to share some of the interesting ones with you here at RuralBCHealthWatch.

Q: Do you think the tax dollars spent on health care in your region is providing you and your family with adequate coverage?

A: No. The IHA seems to be spending our money on their own offices rather than solving our medical crisis.

Q: Do you feel the Health Authorities in BC (IHA, NHA, FHA, VCHA, NHA, VIHA) are delivering health services in the best interests of British Columbia?

A: No. They want to centralize services at any cost to life. These actions are destroying small towns across BC.

Q: Other Comments?

A: It is a win-win situation for the government to close small town hospitals. People will die and save them money providing future pensions (a crisis the government is facing) and also save money for medical care. BC now has two-tier health care. The rich (who live in major cities) receive proper, free health care. Poorer folk who live in rural areas receive very limited/non-existent health care. The government wants poor, elderly people to die early and save them money. The poor and elderly cost the government the most money because they receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement. If they manage to live long enough to be in a nursing home, the government will have to subsidize it - all the more reason to have them die early. It is a horrible thought, but unfortunately is very true!

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