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Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm NOT Giving You $200!

I just got off the phone with someone calling from the BC Liberals looking for a $200 campaign contribution. He had a well-written script which highlighted all the wonderful free enterprise forward moves made by Christy Clark and the BC Liberals.

I waited for my chance and when he finally took a breath, I said I'd really like to help if they were to help us with our hospital situation. I told him how disappointed I was to find that Premier Christy Clark doesn't respond to our pleas for help, nor does Minister of Health Mike de Jong. I told him that thanks to the free enterprising BC Liberals we have seen mining return to our community, but with the risk of a major industrial accident and a bare bones hospital it appears that Christy Clark has forgotten about us.

I told him how the cuts to our hospital have affected real estate and that some seniors have left the community because they can't be guaranteed the health services they need, when they need them. I told him we have a major highway passing by our community, which includes various shipments of dangerous goods which have the potential of a major disaster, but Christy Clark and the BC Liberals don't seem to care about that.

I told him we can't have babies in our hospital anymore and in many cases have to be taken to a different hospital for other medical matters. I asked him if he would support a political party that is obviously cutting rural healthcare with no concern of consequences for those who are being affected. I asked him how long he would wait for answers after being ignored, or told something other than an answer to such simple questions as, "How are you going to help our hospital situation?"

I asked him if he would support a party that cuts the ER hours of his local hospital. I asked if he would support a party that does not care about rural residents for anything other than $200 campaign contributions.

He listened to my complete 20-minute or so rant.

I also think I'm now on the BC Liberal 'do not call' list.

Thanks for listening, Christy. It's guys like me out in the country you should be listening to a little more.

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