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Friday, July 13, 2012

24/7 ER Service Returns To PGH!

July 13, 2012 - IHA, in conjunction with the Stakeholder's Table (Similkameen Valley Representatives' Table), headed up by acting Mayor, Jason Earle, and RDOS Area 'H' representative, Brad Hope, have developed a funding solution through REEF (Rural Emergency Enhancement Fund) to restore 24/7 Emergency Services to Princeton General Hospital.

The Town of Princeton and RDOS are in the process of securing a temporary locum residence to welcome doctors into the community.

Industry has put forward bridge-funding as a temporary stop-gap measure until REEF funding is in place.

This program will take effect as soon as doctors are in place to fill the PGH ER hours, which is being worked on at this moment.

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  1. YaY YaY WE DID IT !!

  2. Does this mean that as of today there are no more ER closures or is this something that will happen in the near future?

    1. My understanding is that this will take effect immediately. Bridge funding will fill the gap until REEF funding takes effect.

    2. Further to my original comment...SOHC (Save Our Hospital Coalition) informed me today that the funding is in place, but this will NOT go into effect until there are doctors in place to fill our the ER hours. Sorry for the confusion.

  3. Dr. Eva and famiy are living in the "locum" apartment - why has he been permitted to live there so long? And I am very pleased to hear the ER is reopening but we still need a FULL hospital!

  4. "this will NOT go into effect until there are doctors in place to fill our the ER hours."

    That's kind of what I thought. We've been told all along it isn't a matter of "money" but finding doctors who will come here. There just aren't enough people to justify another physician opening their practice in Princeton. With the pay-for-fee service as it stands, they simply wouldn't have enough patients to make a living. I still say the only solution is a salaried ER doctor who doesn't need to worry about a private practice, overhead, etc. There are many doctors in BC who work on a salary. I just don't understand why this is so difficult to put into place. de Jong won't even consider it.

    1. No kidding, Diane. It's almost a non-victory, but at least it's something. Myself, personally, I see this as a bit of a stall tactic, but I've been wrong before!
